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Dated: 23/08/2004

Tree Plantation Campaign was organised by 1 HP( G) BN NCC SOLAN in Government Degree College Dharamshala

A Tree Plantation Campaign was organised by 1 HP( G) BN NCC SOLAN in Government Degree College Dharamshala. Principal of the Government Degree College Sh. Rakesh Pathania and ANO Capt. Dr. Monika Sharma planted trees along with the cadets . The cadets were also given information about the importance of trees and their utility in life . The Principal gave necessary instructions and also asked the cadets to look after the trees that were planted. The cadets participated enthusiastically in this tree plantation drive . The Principal asked all the cadets present there to plant as many trees as possible . Also that they should plant trees not only in their institutions but also in their homes .