NAAC Accreditated Grade 'B++' College
PGDCA Admission Notice: Online applications are invited for Non-Subsidised seats. Seats are allocated on the basis of First Come First Serve. Dated:31/07/2024
PGDCA First Merit 2024-25. Dated:27/07/2024
Notice: Extension of 1st Year Fee Deposit Date: Due to technical issue worldwide on dated 19/07/2024 many students could not deposit fee so the fee submission date of BA/BSc/BCom/BVoc 1st year of first merit list is extended upto 21/07/2024. Second Merit list will be displayed on 23/07/2024.
SPU Mandi Tentative Date Sheet ESE July August 2024
SPU Mandi Notification regarding filling of Online Examination Forms for the End Semester(2nd & 4th) UG_PG Examinations July August 2024
SPU Mandi Notification regarding filling of Online Examination Forms for the End Semester (2nd & 4th) UG/PG Examinations July_August 2024 Dated: 27/06/2024
SPU Mandi Declared Semester Exam Result Dated:26/06/2024
HP Technical University, Hamirpur Important Dates for Filling of Counselling Form for Admission to 2024-25 Session Result Dated:26/06/2024
B.Sc. Biotech 1st year Counselling Schedule 2024-25 Dated:11/06/2024
Fee Notice: It is informed to 2nd year students to submit dues on or before 15/07/2024
Combination List for 1st Year 2024-25
Prospectus of B.Voc 2024-25
Prospectus of BA,BSc and BCom 2024-25
Fee Notice: BBA 3rd Sem, BCA 1st Sem and Biotechnology 2nd year Dated:25/05/2024
Admission Notice: B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. & B.Voc. 1st Year: Admission process will commence w.e.f. 3rd June 2024
Important Dates for BBA, BCA, Biotechnology & PGDCA
Prof. Rakesh Pathania Joined as Principal Dated:01/04/2024
C.S.C.A. Cultural Function “SWAR SAMVAD” (2023-24) Dated: 23/02/2023
Details of Placements, Higher Studies and Passed Exams To be filled by the pass out students of batch 2022-2023 (B.Sc/B.Com/BA/BCA/B.VOC/B.Tech /Bio-Tech/BBA/MBA/MCA/PGDCA) Dated: 10/02/2024
Fee Payment Notice: The Students of BA, B.Sc. & B.Com 1st Year (2nd Instalment), 2nd Year (4th Instalment) and 3rd Year (6th Instalment) and MA, M.Sc., M.Com. 2nd/4th Semester are directed to Deposit their Fee through Online mode w.e.f. 28/11/2023 to 08/12/2023.After due date Rs. 10 per day fine will be charged. Dated:25/11/2023
7th Merit List of General Girls Hostel 2023-24 Dated 04/11/2023
Scholarship Notice 2023-24 Dated:03/10/2023
Important Notice: Regarding Online University Registration Dated: 05/10/2023
General Girls Hostel 6th Merit List Date:04/10/2023
President Droupadi Murmu presents National Service Scheme (NSS) Awards for 2021-2022 Dated: 29/09/2023
राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला के बी० वॉक० विभाग द्वारा मनाए जा रहे विश्व पर्यटन सप्ताह का आज आगाज किया गया। 26/09/2023
सात रेंजर्स (लड़के) का दल पांच दिवसीय राज्य स्तरीय निपुण प्रशिक्षण शिविर में भाग लेने के लिए रिवालसर मंडी रवाना हुआ। दिनांक: 25/09/2023
सात रेंजर्स का दल पांच दिवसीय राज्य स्तरीय निपुण प्रशिक्षण शिविर में भाग लेने के लिए रिवालसर मंडी रवाना हुआ। दिनांक: 20/09/2023
MA Geography Merit List-IV. Dated:19/09/2023
Notice: Tribal Boys Hostel Dated: 12/09/2023
The classes of M. Com. will start from 14.09.2023. All concerned students must report to the Department of Commerce at sharp 1.00 P.M.
A three days Orientation cum Induction Programme was Organized for MBA 2023-24 Batch. Dated:06/09/2023
Library Notice: All students of BA, B.Sc., B.Com., (1st, 2nd & 3rd years), MA, M.Com., M.Sc., atre directed to bring one passport size photograph for library membership from (04/09/2023 to 10/09/2023)
Trial for College Football, Basketball & Volleyball Teams will be held on 09/09/2023 at 01:00 PM. Interested students come in proper sports kit. Dated: 04/09/2023
Important Notice: Trial for Inter College Youth Festival Group-I Dated: 04/09/2023
B.Sc. & BA First Year (2023-24) Merit-6 Dated:31/08/2023
M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Semester Classes Will Commence From 1st Sept., 2023. Dated: 30/08/2023
MA Geography 3rd Merit List Dated:29/08/2023
4th Merit Lost of ST Girls Hostel Dated: 29/09/2023
5th Merit Lost of General Girls Hostel Dated: 29/09/2023
3rd Merit List of ST Girls Hostel 2023-2024 Dated: 26/08/2023
4th Merit List of General Girls Hostel 2023-2024 Dated: 26/08/2023
College will remain closed on 24/08/2023
MA English 1st Semester Merit List-1 (2023-24) Dated: 23/08/2023
College will remain closed today Dated: 23/08/2023
M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Merit List Date: 22/08/2003
M.Com. 1st Semester 2nd Merit List Dated: 22/08/2023
B.Sc. & BA First Year (2023-24) Merit-5 Dated:21/08/2023
Entrance Exam for M.A. English(First Sem) will be held on Tuesday, 22nd August 2023 at 11.15
3rd Merit List of BA/BSC/BCom 1st Year Tribal Hostel (Boys) Dated: 19/08/2023
3rd Merit List for Counselling of MSc Chemistry Dated 18/08/2023
M.Com. 1st Semester Merit List Dated:18/08/2023
MA Geography 2nd Merit List Dated:17/08/2023
M.Sc Chemistry counseling will take place on 17th August 2023 at 11AM Dated:16/08/2023
PGDCA 1st Semester Classes will commence from 17th August, 2023. Dated: 15/08/2023
M.Com 1st Semester counselling postponed to 17th Aug,2023 due to holidays declared by H.P. Govt. Dated: 15/08/2023
College closed on dated 16th August, 2023. Dated: 15/08/2023
NCC Cadets participated in the Independence Day Celebrations held in Dharamshala …where Deputy Chief Minister Sh. Mukesh Agnihotri was the Chief guest for the function Dated:15/08/2023
Flag Hoisting Ceremony in Government College Dharamshala Dated:15/08/2023
M.Com-1st Semester Re-Schedule 2nd Counselling Schedule (2023-24) Dated:14/08/2023
College closed on dated 14th August, 2023.
Counselling of M.Sc. Chemistry 1st Semester will be held on 16th August,2023 at 11: 00 AM instead of 14th August, 2023. Dated:14/08/2023
2nd Merit List for Counselling of M.Sc. Chemistry 2023-24 Dated: 11/08/2023
Notice for the enrolment of girls in NCC Senior Wing for the session 2023-24 Dated:10/08/2023
The student attending counselling of M.Sc. Chemistry on 10th August are informed to bring hard copy of application form. Dated: 09/08/2023
3rd Merit list of General Girls Hostel 2023-24 Dated: 09/08/2023
Counselling schedule for M.Com-1st Semester (2023-24) Dated: 08/08/2023
MA Geography Merit-1 Session 2023-24 Dated:08/08/2023
Merit List for Counselling of M.Sc. Chemistry 2023-24 Dated:08/08/2023
MA English 1st Semester Counselling Notice Dated: 08/08/2023
PGDCA Non Subsidized Merit List- 1 Session 2023-24 Dated: 07/08/2023
Tribal Hostel (Boys) Merit List -2 Dated: 05/08/2023
PGDCA Subsidized Merit List- 2 Session 2023-24 Dated: 05/08/2023
ST Hostel 2nd Merit List 2023-24 Dated 03/08/2023
General Hostel 2nd Merit List 2023-24 Dated 03/08/2023
PGDCA Subsidized Merit List- I Session 2023-24 Dated: 01/08/2023
B.Sc., B.Com., BA &, B.Voc. First Year (2023-24) Merit-4 Dated:01/08/2023
Post Graduation Admission Notice Dated: 26/07/2023
Identity Card Notice Dated: 25/07/2023
Tribal Hostel Merit List 2023-24 Dated:25/07/2023
General Hostel Merit List 2023-24 Dated:25/07/2023
ST Hostel Merit List 2023-24 Dated:25/07/2023
B.Sc., B.Com., BA & B.Voc. First Year (2023-24) Merit-3
Time Table of BA, B.Sc. & B.Com. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Year 2023-24
Hostel Prospectuses are available at college counter till 24/07/2023 and last date of submission is 24/07/2023
Last date of receipt application of PGDCA is Extended to 29th July, 2023(Offline)
Regular Teaching classes of B.A/B.Sc/B. Com/B Voc Ist, 2nd and 3rd years will commence w.e f. 24th July , 2023.
Commencement of BBA 1st year classes w.e.f 20th July 2023 & Time Table
Induction Programme Schedule for 1st Year Students 2023 is Postponed till Further Orders
Bio-Tech. 3rd Merit
B.SC., B.Com.,BA & B.Voc 1st Year Merit -2 Dated: 17/07/2023
प्लेसमेंट ड्राइव में 16 युवाओ को मिली नौकरी (दिनांक 13/07/2023)
BCA Merit List-1 and Fee Notice Of Non Subsidized
BBA-1st Year Non-Subsidized List-1
Biotechnology 1st Year Merit List-II
BBA-1st Year Subsidized List-3
B.SC., B.Com., & BA 1st Year Merit -1 Dated: 10/07/2023
BBA-1st Year Subsidized List-2
BCA-1st Year Subsidized List-2
Biotechnology 1st Year Merit List-I
B.Voc 1st Year Students Admission Schedule 2023-24
Fee Notice of BCA 1st Semester 2023-24
List of Selected Candidates for Admission in BCA 1st Semester 2023-24 (Subsidized Seats)
List of Selected Candidates for Admission in BBA 1st Semester 2023-24 (Subsidized Seats)
Declaration of BCA Result for Entrance Test (Session 2023-24)
BBA 1st Year Short Listed Candidates and Schedule of Group Discussion and Interview (2023-24)
Online Admission Process for the Academic Session 2023-24 to BA, B.Sc., B.Com. and B.Voc. 1st, 2nd & 3rd Years will be started w.e.f. 30th June 2023. Online link for admission will be displayed soon.
Sale of Prospectus for admission to PGDCA has been started w.e.f. 01/06/2023. Prospectus is available in SFC office (Prayas Bhawan Govt. College Dharamshala)
HTPU Information Brochure cum Link for Applying for the entrance examination for the admission to MBA, MCA and B.Tech programmes
Notice for Change of Faculty Dated:29/11/2022
International Conference On Tourism, Business Management, Social Sciences & Humanities on 3rd December, 2022
वार्षिक खेलकूद प्रतियोगिता 2022
6th Merit of BA 1st Year 2022-23 Dated: 01/11/2022
4th Merit List of 1st Year, Tribal Hostel (Boys) Dated: 20/10/2022
5th Merit List of BA & BSc Dated:20/09/2022
Provide Your Mobile IP Address for Wi-Fi Connectivity Dated:19/09/2022
MSc Chemistry 6th Merit List Dated: 14/09/2022
Boys Hostel 3rd Merit List Dated:13/08/2022
Boys Hostel Admission Notice Dated:09/09/2022
General Girls Hostel 4th Merit List Dated: 08/09/2022
Tribal Girls Hostel 4th Merit List Dated:08/09/2022
General Girls Hostel 3rd Merit List Dated: 03/09/2022
Tribal Girls Hostel 2nd Merit List Dated:30/08/2022
General Girls Hostel 2nd Merit List Dated: 30/08/2022
ST Boys Hostel 2nd Merit List Dated:30/08/2022
4th Merit List of BA, BSc and BCom Dated:30/08/2022
The regular classes of Post Graduate Courses (M.Sc Chemistry, M.A English, M.A/M.Sc Geography) will commence from 01.09.2022 Dated:29/08/2022
M.Sc. Chemistry Merit List-V Dated:29/08/2022
ST Boys Hostel 1st Merit List Dated:26/08/2022
BBA 1st Semester Regular Teaching cum Induction Programme will commence w.e.f. 29/08/2022
Merit List of Tribal Girls Hostel 1st Year Dated: 25/08/2022
Merit List of General Girls Hostel 1st Year Dated:25/08/2022
BCA Non-Subsidized Merit List-II Dated:25/08/2022
Candidates can apply online for 1st Year upto 27th August 2022 till 04:00 PM. Dated:23/08/2022
M.Sc. Chemistry 4th Merit List Dated:23/08/2022
Commencement of UG 1st year classes for the Session 2022-23 : 29/08/2022 (Monday)
Commencement of PGDCA 1st Semester classes for the Session 2022-23 : 25/08/2022 (Thursday)
Notice regarding of Hostel Admission for UG classes for BA, B. Com, B. BSc First year extended up to 25August 2022
BCA Non-Subsidized List-1 Dated: 22/08/2022
MSC Chemistry 3rd Merit List Dated: 22/08/2022
3rd Merit List of BA, B.Sc., & B.Com. 1st Year Dated: 22/08/2022
Admission cum Counseling schedule on basis of HPCET -2022 & Qualifying Examination (Graduation) for MBA & MCA Programme for the Session 2022-23 Dated: 21/08/2022
BBA Non-Subsidized List-1 Dated: 20/08/2022
BCA Subsidized List-III Dated: 20/08/2022
Students whose name was in first merit list and have submitted application for consideration are directed to deposit their fees by 19th August 2022 till 03:00 PM.
M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd Merit List Dated: 17/08/2022
BBA 3rd Merit List Dated: 17/08/2000
BCA 2nd Merit List Dated:17/08/2022
Bio-Tech. 2nd Merit List Dated:17/08/2022
MA English 1st Merit List Dated: 16/08/2022
MA Geography 2nd Merit List Dated: 16/08/2022
M.Com. 2nd Merit List Dated: 16/08/2022
PGDCA Non-Subsidized Merit List-I Dated:13/08/2022
Notice Regarding Hostel Admission for UG Classes Dated:13/08/2022
BBA 2nd Merit List Dated:12/08/2022
MSc Chemistry 1st Merit List Dated:11/08/2022
PGDCA 2nd Merit Dated:11/08/2022
B.Voc HT 2nd Merit List Dated:11/08/2022
B.Voc RM 2nd Merit List Dated:11/08/2022
BCA 1st Merit List Dated:11/08/2022
Biotechnology 1st Merit Dated:11/08/2022
Second Merit List of BA, B.Sc., B.Com. & B.Voc 1st Year Dated: 11/08/2022
MA Geography First Merit Dated:10/08/2022
BBA 1st Merit List Dated:10/08/2022
M.Com. Merit List Dated:10/08/2022
Notice for MA English Counselling Dated:08/08/2022
Fee Notice for 2nd and 3rd Year Students Dated:06/08/2022
First Merit Admission Notice Dated: 06/08/2022
First Merit List of BA, B.Sc., B.Com. & B.Voc 1st Year Dated: 06/08/2022
PGDCA 1st Merit List 2022-23 Dated: 05/08/2022
BCA Entrance Result & Counseling Schedule 2022-23 Dated:05/08/2022
Schedule of GD and Interview of Shortlisted Candidates of BBA Dated: 05/08/2022
Shortlisted Candidates of BBA Selected for GD and Interview Dated: 05/08/2022
1st Year Admission Notice Dated: 01/08/2022
The last date for submission of forms for MA English, MA Geography, M Com. and M.Sc. Chemistry is Extended up to 5th August, 2022 till 05:00 PM. Dated:01/08/2022
Date of Submission fee for BA, B.Sc., & B.Com. 2nd and 3rd Year students is 28th July to 5th August 2022
Last Date of PGDCA Form Submission is 03/08/2022 and Date of PGDCA Counselling is 04/08/2022
As per Sardar Patel University Mandi last date for applying 1st Year Admission of BA, B.Sc., B.Com. and B.Voc. is 5th August 2022 till 04:00 PM.
Last date to apply for BBA, BCA, Bio-Tech, & PGDCA (off line) is extended upto 30th July 2022. Those students whose result of 10+2 is not declared they can also apply for BBA, BCA, Bio-Tech.e to apply for BBA & BCA is 30th July 2022. Those students whose result of 10+2 is not declared they can also apply off line
Admission Notice 2022-23 06/07/2022
Schedule for taking admission in MBA, MCA & B.Tech (CSE) Programme for the Session 2022-23. 02/06/2022
वी० कॉम व एम कॉम डिपार्टमेंट की सोसाइटी ने कार्यक्रम अविजेता (Invictus) का आयोजन कॉलेज के ऑडिटोरियम में किया । दिनांक: 20/03/2025
अर्थ शास्त्र विभाग द्वारा फेयरवेल पार्टी का आयोजन किया । दिनांक: 20/03/2025
लोक प्रशासन विभाग द्वारा फेयरवेल पार्टी का आयोजन किया । दिनांक: 19/03/2025
राजकीय स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला में केंद्रीय छात्र संघ द्वारा आयोजित वार्षिक सांस्कृतिक उत्सव ‘स्वर संवाद’ का समापन समारोह बड़ी धूमधाम से मनाया गया। दिनांक: 18/03/2025
OSA Legacy Awards-2025 Dated: 16/03/2025
राजकीय महाविधालय धर्मशाला ने इकोलंपिक्स में विजेता ट्रॉफी जीतकर इतिहास रच दिया है! दिनांक: 14/03/2025
स्वर संवाद उत्सव: राजकीय स्नातकोत्तर महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला में तीन दिवसीय सांस्कृतिक महोत्सव का भव्य आगाज़ । दिनांक:08/03/2025
अंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिवस पर हयात रीजेंसी रीजोर्ट मेक्लोडगंज में आयोजित कार्यक्रम में राजकीय महाविधालय धर्मशाला वी० वॉक डिपार्टमेंट की छात्राएं शामिल हुईं। दिनांक: 08/03/2025
हिमाचल प्रदेश स्टेट इलैक्ट्रिसिटी बोर्ड लिमिटेड द्वारा राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला में एक जागरूकता बैठक का आयोजन किया । दिनांक 07/03/2025
अंतराष्ट्रीय ब्रैंड 5 सितारा होटल हयात रीजेंसी धर्मशाला और राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला का ऐतिहासिक सहयोग पर सहमति: वी वॉक विभाग के आतिथ्य और पर्यटन (होस्पिटेलटी एंड टूरिज़्म) छात्रों के लिए उज्जवल भविष्य की ओर एक कदम । दिनांक: 06/03/2025
एनएसएस के सात दिवसीय विशेष शिविर का समापन । दिनांक: 28/02/2025
राजकीय महाविधालय धर्मशाला में योगा प्रेक्टिस सत्र का आयोजन। दिनांक: 27/02/2025
ओडिशा में आयोजित ऑल इण्डिया इंटर यूनिवर्सिटी मीट में राजकीय धर्मशाला महाविधालय की स्मृति जम्बाल ने 200 मीटर दौड़ में ऑल इण्डिया में पहला स्थान हासिल किया । 07/01/2025
राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला में संस्कृत विभाग द्वारा द्विदिवसीय कार्यशाला का आयोजन। 31/12/2024
मायिनियॉरिटी सेल ने वीर बाल दिवस बड़ी धूम धाम से मनाया। 26/12/2024
डिग्री कॉलेज धर्मशाला के इतिहास विभाग ने विद्यार्थियों के लिए राजस्थान के जयपुर मे शैक्षिक भ्रमण कराया। दिनांक: 21/12/2024
डिग्री कॉलेज धर्मशाला के अर्थशास्त्र विभाग द्वारा “आर्थिक जागरूकता” पर एकदिवसीय विशेष कार्यक्रम का आयोजन। दिनांक: 21/12/2024
राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला में राष्ट्रीय गणित दिवस बड़ी धूमधाम से मनाया गया। दिनांक: 21/12/2024
रोड सेफ्टी क्लब के सौजन्य से और बीसीए बिभाग के सहयोग से कॉलेज छात्रों को सड़क सुरक्षा नियम के बारे में जागरूक करने के उद्देश्य से राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला मे रोड़ सेफ्टी क्लब द्वारा सड़क सुरक्षा नियम जागरूकता कार्यक्रम का आयोजन करवाया गया। दिनांक: 20/12/2024
राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला के समाजशास्त्र विभाग एवं हिस्ट्री आर्ट एण्ड कल्चर सोसाइटी की ओर से “पंचायती राज संस्थाओं की महिला शशक्तीकरण में भूमिका” विषय पर सेमिनार का आयोजन किया गया। दिनांक: 18/12/2024
राजकीय महाविधालय धर्मशाला के योग और फिटनेस क्लब ने एक दिवसीय कार्यशाला का आयोजन किया। दिनांक:17/12/2024
The Tagore Literary Society and Media Literacy Club organised a seminar on the topic ” Immortalising Love Stories: Folk songs of Himachal and Punjab”. Dated: 16/12/2024
Cleanliness drive was organised by students of the Faculty of Arts to clean the premises around the Arts Block of the college. Dated:16/12/2024
नाटक के मंचन से युवाओं ने सडक़ सुरक्षा पर फैलाई जागरूकता । दिनांक 16/12/2024
Students of the Department of English and Hindi were taken on an educational excursion to witness Weapon Display organised by the Indian Army at War Memorial, Dharamshala. Dated: 14/12/2024
डिग्री कॉलेज धर्मशाला के इनोवेशन हब का दौरा किया। दिनांक:14/12/2024
राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला के शिक्षा विभाग की ओर में मानवाधिकार दिवस पर एक दिवसीय कार्यशाला कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। दिनांक 11/12/2024
राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला में श्री मद्भगवद्गीता-जयंती के उपलक्ष पर दो दिवसीय कार्यशाला का आयोजन । दिनांक:11/12/2024
College Kabaddi (women) team won winner trophy in HPU championship at GC Nahan. Dated: 06/12/2024
The Media Literacy Club of the college organised the screening of a documentary “The Social Dilemma” followed by an interactive session. Dated: 06/12/2024
धर्मशाला कॉलेज के अक्षय को मिली सर्वश्रेष्ठ अभिनेता की उपाधि 27/11/2024
धर्मशाला कॉलेज ने हिमाचल प्रदेश विश्वविद्यालय यूथ फेस्टिवल में किया बेहतरीन प्रदर्शन । दिनांक: 26/11/2024
धर्मशाला कॉलेज के पब्लिक एडमिनस्टेरिव विभाग ने धूमधाम से मनाया सविंधान दिवस । दिनांक: 26/11/2024
College Table Tennis ( men) team won winner trophy in HP University Championship held at G C Jukhala Dated:20/11/2024
धर्मशाला महाविद्यालय ने एक बार फिर रचा इतिहास, विभिन्न खेलों में जीते पदक …
चार छात्रों का नामी कम्पिनियों में हुआ चयन, साथ ही धर्मशाला में महाविद्यालय के छात्र अब देश के नामी होटल्स कंपनी के साथ करेंगे कार्य
College Badminton (women) team won winner trophy in HP University Championship
GC Dharamshala won Overall HP University Inter – College Weightlifting Championship
Medals won in the Inter-College Athletics Meet by G.C. Dharamshala on 13th and 14th November.
चंडीगढ़ यूनिवर्सिटी मे वी वॉक होस्पिटेलिटी एंड टुरीज़म के विद्यार्थियों ने देश भर मे दूसरा स्थान हासिल कर महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला का नाम रोशन किया। दिनांक: 18/10/2024
College Chess ( women) team bagged third position in HP University Championship. Boys chess team remained at 4th position among 32 participating Colleges Dated:16/10/2024
National Seminar & Annual Meet of GSHP on “Geography Disaster Management and Sustainability in the Himalayas: Challenges and Solutions” on 16th and 17th October, 2024 organized by Department of Geography
विश्व मानसिक स्वास्थय दिवस पर राजकीय महाविधालय के मनोविज्ञान विभाग ने कॉलेज सभागार मे कार्यकर्म आयोजित किया। दिनांक: 10/10/2024
गवर्नमेंट कॉलेज, धर्मशाला (महिला) टीम ने एचपी यूनिवर्सिटी फुटबॉल चैंपियनशिप जीती।
Tourizmo Trigarth Carnival 2024 is starting from 18th September, 2024 to 27th September, 2024
Annual Sports Calendar of Inter College Championship 2024-25
B.Sc. & BA 1st Year Merit List-7 2024-25 Dated: 13/09/2024
Combination List for 1st Year Fresh Admission 2024-25 Dated:10/09/2024
3rd List for Counselling of MSc Chemistry 2024-25 Dated: 07/09/2024
6th Merit List BA & BSc Dated: 02/09/2024
Enrolment of first year cadets was done by 1 HP Girls Battalion NCC Solan at Government Degree College Dharamshala. Dated:28/08/2024
Third Merit List of Boys Trible Hostel 2024-25 Dated: 27/08/2024
Forth Merit List of General Girls Hostel 2024-25 Dated: 27/08/2024
Tree Plantation Campaign was organised by 1 HP( G) BN NCC SOLAN in Government Degree College Dharamshala Dated: 23/08/2024
Notice:Enrollment of NCC 2024-25(Boys & Girls) 5 HP(I)Coy NCC Dharamshala Dated: 20/08/2024
Third Merit List of General Girls Hostel 2024-25 Dated: 17/08/2024
Third Merit List of Trible Girls Hostel 2024-25 Dated:17/08/2024
5th Merit List BA & BSc Dated: 16/08/2024
Independence Day celebration by the cadets of 1 HP Girls ( Bn) NCC Solan in Dharamshala 15/08/2024
Red Ribbon Club, GDC Dharamshala secured overall first position(male and Female) in 5 km “Youth Fest Marathon” organised by District AIDS Control Society on 14/08/2024 in lieu of International Youth Day celebrations and to create AIDS/HIV awareness among Youth
MA Geography 1st Semester Third Merit List 2024-25. Dated:13/08/2024
Scholarship Notice 2024-25 Dated:10/08/2024
Notice: We are pleased to announce that a limited number of seats have become available in Tribal Girls Hostel, Govt. College Dharamshala. Interested students are invited to apply for accommodation till 14th August 2024. Seats will be allotted on merit basis
M.Com.1st Semester Merit List -2 Dated: 04/08/2024
Second Merit List of ST Girls Hostel 2024-25. Dated: 03/08/2024
Second Merit List of General Girls Hostel 2024-25. Dated:03/08/2024
MA English Merit List-1 2024-25. Dated:02/08/2024
MA Geography Merit List-2 2024-25. Dated: 01/08/2024
4th Merit List BA, BSc & B.Com. Dated: 01/08/2024
M.Com 1st Semester Merit List- 1 2024-25. Dated:31/07/2024
PGDCA Non-Subsidised Merit List-1 Session 2024-25. Dated:31/07/2024
M.Sc. Chemistry 2nd List for Counselling 2024-25. Dated30/07/2024
MA English Admission Notice 2024-25. Dated:30/07/2024
PGDCA 2nd Merit List 2024-25. Dated:29/07/2024
MA English Entrance Test New Notice Dated:28/07/2024
Counselling Schedule of MA Geography 1st Sem 2024-25. Dated: 27/07/2024
Counselling Schedule for M. Com. 1st Sem. Students Dated: 26/07/2024
Merit List of Boys General Hostel 2024-25. Dated:26/07/2024
3rd Merit List BA & B.Com. Dated: 26/07/2024
First List for Counselling of MSc.(Chemistry), 2024-25 Dated:25/07/2024
First Merit List of Boys Tribal Hostel 2024-25 Dated:25/07/2024
First Merit List of ST Girls Hostel 2024-25 Dated:25/07/2024
First Merit List of General Girls Hostel 2024-25 Dated:25/07/2024
MA English Entrance Test Notice Dated:25/07/2024
Time Table 2024-25
Hostel Admission Notice Dated: 24/07/2024
2nd Merit List BA, BSc & B.Com. Dated: 23/07/2024
HP Technical University, Hamirpur Centralized Counselling Schedule-2024 for admission to B.Tech. (Direct Entry)
BA 1st year Post Admission Induction Class Schedule for dated 22 July 2024
BCom 1st year Post Admission Induction Class Schedule for dated 22 July 2024
BSc 1st year Post Admission Induction Class Schedule for dated 22 July 2024
1st Merit List BA, BSc, B.Com. & B.Voc Dated: 16/07/2024
Important Dates for M.Com., MA English, MA Geography & M.Sc. Chemistry (2024-25) Dated:15/07/2024
Admission Notice 2nd & 3rd Year Dated: 13/07/2024
Notice: Fee Refund BBA, BCA and BioTech 1st Semester Dated: 06/07/2024
BA-III Year Result Gazette Dated: 08/07/2024
In B. Com. 3rd year our College got two positions in H.P. 4th and 6th Position. Gauri Sharma got 4th Position and Anita got 6th position.
B.Com.-III Year Result Gazette Dated: 05/07/2024
B.Sc-III Year Result Gazette Dated: 03/07/2024
Fee Notice: B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. & B.Voc. 3rd year for the session 2024-25 Dated: 02/07/2024
HIMTREK A cultural evening was organised on the 11th of June, 2024 in the college auditorium Dated: 12/06/2024
धर्मशाला डिग्री कालेज में वीo वॉकo विभाग के के 04 विद्यार्थी का फाइनल ईयर के दौरान पांच सितारा होटल के लिए हुआ चयन । दिनांक: 20/04/2024
लेफ्टिनेंट मोनिका शर्मा की पीपइग सेरिमनी में कैप्टन के पद पर उन्हें पद उन्नति किया गया । दिनांक:02/04/2024
Sunita of GC Dharamshala (Athlete) joined Southern Railway ( Secunderabad) as TTE. Principal and staff wish her good luck. Dated: 02/04/2024
Impact of Skill India Mission on Youth: A Study of B.Voc. Programme in Himachal Pradesh Dated 26/03/2024
Annual Prize Distribution Function 2023-24 Dated: 20/03/2024
Magazine Inauguration by B.Voc. Department for the Session 2023-24 Dates: 20/03/2024
राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला के वी० कॉम व एम कॉम डिपार्टमेंट की सोसाइटी ने अविजेता (Invicuts) 2024 कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया। दिनांक:18/03/2024
राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान दिवस के अवसर पर राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला के भौतिक विज्ञान विभाग के तत्वाधान में रमन सोसायटी द्वारा 28 और 29 फरवरी को विभिन्न गतिविधियों का आयोजन किया गया।
On the eve of Science Day, MSc 2nd semester students, Department of Chemistry, visited IHBT (CSIR) palampur along with faculty members of Chemistry Department on 29/02/2024. The main purpose of this visit was to make students explore various research and instrumentation labs. Dated: 29/02/2024
विश्विद्यालय हिमाचल प्रदेश का 46वीं बार्षिक एथलेटिक्स मीट का समापन समारोह दिनांक:15/12/2023
Department of B. Voc. Government College Dharamshala have organised a brief workshop on sustainable tourism. Dated: 13/12/2023
विश्विद्यालय हिमाचल प्रदेश का 46वीं बार्षिक एथलेटिक्स मीट का आगाज आज से, खिलाड़ी जमकर दिखा रहे अपना दमखम 100 मीटर महिला दौड़ में मंडी की कुसुम ने तोड़ा रिकार्ड। दिनांक:13/12/2023
बार्षिक एथलेटिक मीट का आयोजन दिनांक: 08/12/2023
College Weight Lifting Team (Men) got runner up trophy in HPU Weight Lifting champoinship. The competition was held at G.C. Daulatpur Chowk w.e.f. 01/12/2023 to 03/12/2023 in 20-22 weight lifting (men) team got winner trophy in HPU weight lifting championship.
College Women team got 3rd position in HPU Chess Championship held at G.C. Amb Distt Una from 28/11/2023 to 30/11/2023. College won Chess team runner up trophy in 20-22. The competition was held at G.C. Daulatpur Chowk . Hardik Verma of B.Sc-1st Year got selected in HPU Chess (Men) team.
Red Ribbon Club, Celebrating World’s AIDS/HIV Day on 01/12/23 with various events which includes Rally, Human Chain, Rangoli making and Face painting.
8 Rangers with Ranger leader Dr. Harsh Deepika Datta of Rover and Rangers club from Government P.G College Dharamshala participated in the 5 Day State level Pre RDC selection camp at State training centre Bharat Scouts and Guide , Rewalsar district Mandi from 24th to 28th November 2023. 4 Rangers namely Jagriti Sharma, Shivani Choudhary, Saloni Kapoor and Sonia Thakur were selected in this camp for Republic Day Parade at Shimla out of the more than 225 participants from 33 colleges. Dr. Sanjeevan Katoch, Principal of Government College Dharamshala appreciated the efforts of the Rangers who participated in the camp and congratulated the selected Rangers. She inspired them to continue their practice and wished them best.
RRC, GC – Dharamshala participating in intercollege drama competition on the occasion of AIDS /HIV campaign held at Rainbow International School on 29/11/2023 and has secured first position in intercollege drama competition on the occasion of world AIDS/HIV day celebrations.
Glimpses of Industrial visit to Chennai of B. Tech.-VII Semester students. Dated: 28/11/2023
NCC day was celebrated in Government College Dharamshala on 27th November 2023 cadets carried out the cleanliness drive in the college campus , tree plantation was done and blood donation camp was also organised where 30 cadets donated blood.
Indian Constitution Day Celebration Dated:25/11/2023
CSCA (2023-24) Oath Taking Ceremony Dated:18/11/2023
Eco-Friendly Diwali Celebrations by Commerce Society. Dated: 09/11/2023
Celebration of Scout Guide Flag Day Dated 07/11/2023
Red Ribbon Club attended one day orientation cum training program organised by Chief Medical Officer District Kangra at RGEC- Nagrota Bagwan on 1/11/2023
Dharamshala College Gain 3rd Prize in Mime HPU Inter College Youth Festival
Dharamshala College Badminton (Women) team won HPU Badminton Championship heled at G.C. Sanjauli
Dharamshala College Won 3rd Prize in Folk Solo HPU Inter College Youth Festival
“Mental Health Day” celebrations with theme , “MENTAL HEALTH IS A UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHT”. Dated:12/10/2023
A guest lecture was organised by the Commerce society in the Department of Commerce. Dated: 05/10/2023
हिंदी दिवस पर आयोजित कार्यक्रम 14/09/2023
Rover and Rangers Club Celebrated Scarf Day Dated:01/08/2023
धर्मशाला कॉलेज में बीबीए विद्यार्थियों के लिए 3 दिवसीय ओरियंटेशन कम इंडक्शन प्रोग्राम आयोजित दिनांक:28/07/2027
Two days orientation program was organized by the Department of B.Voc Dated: 24/07/2023
NCC cadets of 1HP Girls Bn Solan celebrating the 9th International Yoga Day
One Day Workshop was Organized by Physics Department
बीटेक डिपार्टमेंट के अनुभव एवं निधि ने चैस में क्रमशः प्रथम एवं तृतीय स्थान प्राप्त किया । दिनांक: 09/05/2023
Debate Competition Organized by Department of PGDCA Dated: 1st May, 2023
बीबीए डिपार्टमेंट के विद्यार्थी रोमिल चौहान को प्रदेश भर में टॉप करने पर हाल ही में आयोजित विश्वविद्यालय के दीक्षांत समारोह में राष्ट्रपति द्रौपदी मुर्मू ने सम्मानित किया । दिनांक:29/04/2023
डिग्री कॉलेज धर्मशाला में वी. वॉक डिपार्टमेंट के 3 विद्यार्थियों का नामी कंपनी में चयन
Dharamshala College gets first lady Principal Dated: 06/04/2023
Annual Prize Distribution Function 2022-23 Dated:02/04/2023
Interaction programme by Central Ground Water Board, Dharamshala in association with Department of Geology and Geography on 25th March, 2023.
Department of BBA, Sculpture and Tourism of Government Degree College Dharamshala organizes “Art Talk” by Mr . Kumar Ranjan, a phenomenal Artist from Jharkhand on 25th March, 2023
Excelsior 2023: An inter college Management fest organized by Department of BBA Govt college Dharamshala Dated: 15/03/2023
Two Workshops Titled “Life changing lessons for students from Bhagwat Gita” on 1st March, 2023 Organized by Department of Travel and Tourism
CSCA Cultural Function Swar Samvad Dated: 14/03/2023
Sangam Reunion 2022 Alumni Meet Batches 1991-95 Dated: 25/12/2022
धर्मशाला कॉलेज में वी-वॉक के 3 विद्यार्थियों का दिल्ली के 5 स्टार होटल ITC मौर्या में चयन दिनांक:24/12/2022
Weight Lifting Trophy Won by Government PG College Dharamshala Dated: 21/12/2022
NAAC Peer Team Visit 19th & 20th December 2022
Vijay Diwas 16/12/2022
B.Tech Final Year students visited Ujjain Mahakaleshwar Temple on 12/12/2022
B.Tech Final Year students visited Pushpgiri, Sonkatch, M.P. on 11/12/2022
International Conference Dated: 03/12/2022
कानून के प्रति जागरूकता के लिए वाद विवाद प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन दिनांक: 01/12/2022
विश्व एड्स दिवस का आयोजन दिनांक 01/12/2022
शपथ ग्रहण समारोह 2022 -23 दिनांक 30/11/2022
MCA Students Industrial Visit at Jaipur Dated: 28/11/2022
मूक अभिनय में राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला का प्रथम स्थान …… दिनांक: 27/11/2022
राजकीय महाविद्यालय धर्मशाला ने मनाया एनसीसी दिवस | दिनांक: 27/11/2022
संविधान दिवस 26/11/2022
Winner of HP University Inter College table tennis team. Dated:23/11/2022
Leadership Development Camp 2022 by Travel & Tourism Department of G.C. Dharamshala titled ” Self Reflection through engagement in adventure and nature activities” between 13th-18th November, 2022 through collaboration with Himalayan Vagabond Adventure, Manali.
GeoTourism Tour of Geology Department to Manali to explore nature and oneself from 13th to 18th November, 2022.
One Day workshop and Closing Ceremony of Month Long Celebration on the ” Role of Mathematician Radhanath Sikdar in India’s Freedom Struggle” in the presence of Shri Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar ji Honourable Governor of Himachal Pradesh Dated:01/11/2022
Government PG College Dharamshala is a winner of HP University Kabaddi (women) Championship held at G. C. Arki, Shimla wef 29/10/22 to 31/10/22
Clean India 2.0 Mega Event 19/10/2022
Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) Programme starts in Dharamshala constituency 15/10/2022
NSS students participation in Election Awareness campaign launched with District Administration Dated: 30/09/2022
Tiranga Yatra Dated:14/08/2022
World Ozone Day Celebrated Dated: 16/09/2022
Link for Online Admission/Registration Form
B. Voc. Placements
Admission, Examination and Vacation Schedule 06/07/2022
Seminar on PM GatiShakti National Mission in MBA Department 05/07/2022
रोवरऔर रेंजर्स के राष्ट्रीय कार्निवाल का सफल आयोजन
NSS Volunteer on International Yog Day 21/06/2022
केरल के राजा गिरी स्कूल ऑफ इंजीनियरिंग एंड टेक्नोलॉजी के छात्र हिमाचली संस्कृति से हुए रुबरुह 21/06/2022
Beautification of Campus 09/06/2022
नेशनल खिलाड़ी सुनीता का धर्मशाला कॉलेज पहुंचने पर भव्य स्वागत 02/05/2022
Civil Service Guidance and Counseling Session 06/04/2022
Martyrs Day Celebration 23/03/2022
Road Safety Week 11/03/2022
Interaction With Honourable Vice Chancellor of Punjab University Chandigarh 09/03/2022
International Women’s Day 08/03/2022
National Science Day 28/02/2022